Freezing temperatures (Image by Михаил Руденко / iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images)Freezing temperatures (Image by Михаил Руденко / iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images)

Extreme cold blasts Chatham-Kent

Now is the time to bundle up or stay inside.

Environment Canada issued an Extreme Cold Warning for the Chatham-Kent area on Monday, warning that frigid conditions could last until Wednesday.

"An Arctic airmass will bring bitterly cold wind chills to the area early this week," the weather agency warned.

Starting Monday night, it could feel as cold as minus 30 degrees Celcius.

According to CK Public Health, the weather conditions will increase the risk of frostbite or hypothermia.

Symptoms of frostbite include:

  • Areas of skin turning red, blue, or grey/white

  • Pain, numbness, and stiffness, especially in fingers, toes, ears, and nose, which are most susceptible

If you suspect you have frostbite:

  • Gently warm the affected skin or immerse in warm, not hot, water

  • Don't rub the area - re-warming may take 30-60 minutes

  • Seek emergency medical treatment for a severe, blistering case of frostbite

Hypothermia occurs when the body temperature drops below normal.

Symptoms of hypothermia may include:

  • Pale skin

  • Lethargy

  • Confusion

  • Hallucinations.

  • In the initial stages, a person may shiver a lot, but as their body temperature drops shivering may also decrease

In a severe case of hypothermia, a person becomes unconscious, their breathing is shallow, and their pulse is irregular and hard to detect, they also require immediate medical attention.

If you must go outside during the period of extreme cold, it's suggested that you dress warmly in layers, cover your fingers, toes, ears, and head, wear a wind-resistant outer-layer, and drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

Residents are reminded to keep pets inside, as they are also at risk from overexposure to extreme cold temperatures.

Anyone experiencing homelessness is urged to call the Homeless Response Line at 519.354.6628 (24/7) for support.

The municipality is also reminding people that Hope Haven (183 Wellington Street West, Chatham) is open from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. as a warming centre. All branches of the Chatham-Kent Library are also available as warming centres during regular operating hours. 

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