Night market season is upon us, but the Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association says it needs more vendors.
The first market of the year is at the Pelissier Street Parking Garage on Friday, April 29, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Those with unique items like home décor, collectables, art pieces, toys, and food are encouraged to take part.
The market only has room for 40 vendors, but those that register can come back for each night market until the season ends in October.
Participation fees are $40 for members of the BIA and $50 for non-members.
“What a way to discover what downtown Windsor has to offer,” said DWBIA chair Brian Yeomans. “Night markets allow visitors and residents to wander the streets and encounter some unique items and treasures not found elsewhere, relish the vibrant atmosphere, and connect with artisans, craftspeople, and fellow shoppers.”