For the first time in decades, there is a public transit service between Windsor and Amherstburg.
Transit Windsor is now offering service to Amherstburg through Route 605. It will run three times a day, seven days a week except on holidays. The bus starts at the Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare terminal and travels throughout West Windsor along Ojibway Parkway to Front Road, through downtown Amherstburg and up to Lowes Side Road. The route is approximately 90 minutes round trip.
Amherstburg Mayor Aldo DiCarlo says he has had many requests for transit service during his eight years as mayor.
"Making public transit available to our community again just makes sense. It improves the community's health, reduces the use of fossil fuels, reduces air pollution but most importantly it provides an equitable way to better a community's mobility," said DiCarlo.
The service will continue as part of a two-year pilot project.
"For a new route like this, of this nature, it's not a really frequent route, it's just three times a day, ridership expectations can't be super high on this because of the lack of frequency," said Tyson Cragg, Transit Windsor executive director.
Full details on the route and fares can be found here.