The Essex Region Conservation Authority issued a watershed condition statement after 95 mm of rain fell in Leamington Friday morning.
According to the conservation authority, the heaviest downpours appear to have occurred east of the town's urban centre over Hillman Marsh.
Ground conditions were dry before the storm so there was much less runoff than might have occurred however some low-lying areas still experienced standing water.
With hot and humid weather in the forecast, the authority warns more sudden thunderstorms could be possible.
"Any substantial rainfall within the next few days could have the potential to generate some additional runoff as soils work their way dry from a saturated condition," said James Bryant, in the watershed statement.
Forecasts are currently showing the potential for 30 mm over a 12-hour period on Monday, August 8, 2022, within the Leamington area. Bryant does not expect this to cause any significant flooding but it could generate some ponding.