A funding announcement by Green Sheild and the WindsorEssex Community Foundation will benefit thousands of residents in the region suffering from mental and oral health problems.
They announced $564,000 in funding for four local charities.
The Canadian Mental Health Association Windsor-Essex County Branch has $200,000 to support its Youth Wellness Hub, temporarily located at Maryvale.
Another $200,000 goes to the Windsor Family Health Team to support its Community Oral Health Care Project, while $100,000 funds the program operated by the Harrow Health Centre Family Health Team.
The rest of the money, $64,000, is for the queer and trans counselling program at Trans Wellness Ontario.
"We have invested over $2-million locally since 2018 in programs that help improve access to mental and oral health care, both areas of the health care system that are often overlooked, and underfunded," said Mila Lucio, the Executive Vice President of Human Resources and Social Impact at Green Sheild. "I'm thrilled to share that the projects we are celebrating will positively impact over 3,000 lives."
Green Shield has committed to providing $75-million for mental and oral health programs across Canada until 2025.