Photo courtesy of the Essex Region Conservation Authority.Photo courtesy of the Essex Region Conservation Authority.

ERCA issues flood outlook for wet forecast

A wintry mix and melting snow have prompted the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) to issue a watershed conditions statement.

A flood outlook is in place through Thursday afternoon, with snowmelt and forecasted rain may cause some issues in low-lying areas.

"Warm temperatures have melted much of the remaining snow across the region," said ERCA Watershed Resources Manager James Bryant. "The ground has little to no infiltration capacity as it is saturated, and smaller drains and watercourses have much of their capacity used up by a mixture of snow, snowmelt, and ice."

Some rain mixed with snow or drizzle could fall. Environment Canada has not called for much rain, but Bryant said that could still prolong some areas in getting dry.

"Forecasts are predicting less than seven millimetres of rain from Wednesday to Thursday," said Bryant. "While this is a small amount, it will exacerbate existing ground conditions and low-lying areas that already have standing water."

People are asked to exercise caution in areas where water may pool or flooding may take place. Children, pets, and livestock should be kept away from those areas.

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