Saying it takes just five minutes, so "Just Book It!", the Erie St.Clair Regional Cancer Program is urging women to schedule their mammogram appointments.
"Breast cancer occurs more frequently 50 to 74-years of age, so now is the time for women on the younger end of this age range -- to not only start thinking about screening for breast cancer, but to start booking their regular mammograms," says Dr Winston Ramsewak.
The screening is free for Ontario women eligible for a mammogram and it doesn't require a doctor's referral. Eligible women are between the ages of 50 and 74 or have a family history of breast cancer, and it's recommended every two years.
This month, all locations of the Ontario Breast Screening Program in the Erie St.Clair LHIN are hosting special events, contest and giveaways to women who book and complete their first mammogram.