The Kinsmen Club of Harrow sign seen in the community's downtown on October 11, 2016. (Photo by Ricardo Veneza)The Kinsmen Club of Harrow sign seen in the community's downtown on October 11, 2016. (Photo by Ricardo Veneza)

Essex developing RFP for housing in Harrow

The Town of Essex is developing a request for proposal to transform the former Harrow High School into an affordable housing development.

On Tuesday night, town councillors approved the motion to develop the proposal for the building footprint only, leaving the green space around the building for outdoor recreational amenities.

"Unlike other RFPs that are truly through administration, this we would come back to council with some recommendations based on research," said Doug Sweet, Chief Administration Officer for the Town of Essex. "What do you want for affordable housing in terms of percentages? Do you want a multi-res? Do you want commercial? So we would come back to council with direction on what your goals are, so we can put it in the RFP and see what the development community can come back with."

Mayor Sherry Bondy indicated she'd like to hold an open house to determine what the community wants to see in the area.

"Because this is a major decision, especially if we're talking about affordable housing, or multi-residential, or highrise, I'd like to see a public open house in Harrow to hear back from residents,' said Bondy.

Harrow High School was closed in 2016. The town purchased the building and the land from the Greater Essex County District School Board in 2021.

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