The Town of Amherstburg is celebrating Earth Day next weekend by working to improve its urban tree canopy.
It's planning two tree-planting initiatives, Jack's Organic Map and Grow Program, and a volunteer tree planting.
Both are on Saturday, April 20.
The Map and Grow program is a partnership with the University of Windsor's School of the Environment.
Residents can choose one of five tree sapling species on their property. Researchers from the university will visit homes to GPS plot the tree's location on a municipal map so they can monitor its growth over time.
Interested property owners should fill out an online request form, print it, and bring it, along with a driver's license, to the Libro Centre soccer field next Saturday. Pickup for saplings starts at 9 a.m., and it's first come, first served.
The saplings are Pagoda Dogwood, Eastern Redbud, Tulip Tree, Red Oak, and Red Maple.
Anyone who requires assistance with accommodation can call Amherstburg Town Hall at 519-736-0012.
The second initiative complements the first. Volunteers who want to help improve Amherstburg's environment will gather at 9 a.m. next Saturday at the Libro Centre before planting trees in designated locations throughout the town.
Volunteers must be at least 16 unless accompanied by an adult and should register before April 15 by calling 519-736-3664.