Provided by the Municipality of Leamington. Provided by the Municipality of Leamington.

New Seacliff Park Performer Room ready for Canada Day

Performers taking to the stage at the Seacliff Park Amphitheatre in Leamington now have access to a comfortable green room.

The Performer Room and storage building is officially complete and will be ready for Canada Day performers.

"We are excited to open this new facility just in time for our 150th anniversary celebrations," said Mayor Hilda MacDonald "The Amphitheatre Performer Room and storage building will greatly enhance the functionality of Seacliff Park and the SUNSET® Amphitheatre, providing a permanent, professional space for artists and more efficient operations for our Public Works team."

A temporary trailer has been on site since the amphitheatre's completion in 2017.

The new space gives performers a more comfortable and functional place to prepare for their shows.

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