Windsor Public Library employees rally outside Windsor City Hall, June 18, 2024. (Photo by Maureen Revait) Windsor Public Library employees rally outside Windsor City Hall, June 18, 2024. (Photo by Maureen Revait)

Library ratification vote set for this weekend

Windsor Public Library employees are poised to vote on a tentative agreement with the City.

A ratification vote is set for the weekend. Rob Murdoch, a spokesman with CUPE Ontario, told that the vote will be at 4 p.m. Sunday.

The tentative deal was reached on Sunday. Terms will not be revealed until after the vote takes place and the library board has had a chance to review it.

The 70 employees, represented by CUPE Local 2067.1, have been at the bargaining table since January.

While wages and benefits remain sticking points, one issue is the expansion of Sunday hours at more branches.

"We're all for a true expansion if that's what the employer wants and the citizens of Windsor want, but not at a net-zero increase," said Local 2067 President Dan Rutherford on June 18. "We're already stretched pretty thin at times so to stretch us even thinner is a problem."

Three library branches are currently open on Sundays, with shifts covered voluntarily.

-with files from Maureen Revait

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