The Central Branch of the Windsor Public Library is temporarily moving to the historic Paul Martin Building downtown. Apr 16, 2019. (Photo by Paul Pedro)The Central Branch of the Windsor Public Library is temporarily moving to the historic Paul Martin Building downtown. Apr 16, 2019. (Photo by Paul Pedro)

Central library branch needs new temporary location

The Central Branch of the Windsor Public Library will have to move to another temporary location by the end of the year.

The branch is currently housed in the Paul Martin building downtown but the current owners are looking to move up their plans to develop the space into a boutique hotel.

"They've said we think it's going to be more economically efficient, we think there's a market here, we actually want to do all of the work at one time so the sooner you can vacate and find a new home for the library the sooner we're going to start all of that work," said Dilkens.

Dilkens indicated the board is still trying to locate an appropriate space for a permanent location.

"We're sort of coalescing around one spot pretty close to city hall that you may identify but we don't own the land so we're still working through, there's processes to go through there. It's going to take us a couple of years to get through all the processes we need to get through," said Dilkens.

In December 2023, the Paul Martin building was sold for the creation of a boutique hotel. At that time the city had up to five years to move the library branch.

"They just know it's going to be more economically efficient to do everything all at once now as opposed to piecemealing this. We want to support that, we want to get that hotel open and see the excitement that it brings to our downtown," said Dilkens.

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