Measles rash. (Photo by Singjai20/iStock / Getty Images Plus)Measles rash. (Photo by Singjai20/iStock / Getty Images Plus)

Health unit updates measles vaccination guidelines

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) has provided new recommendations as measles cases continue to be reported in the region.

Medical Officer of Health Dr. Mehdi Aloosh outlined an update of vaccination guidelines at the health unit's board meeting on Thursday afternoon.

"Our region is amongst those in the province which is managing the ongoing and increasing challenges associated with measles," said Aloosh. "This updated vaccination recommendation for susceptible infants will provide an additional important level of protection."

Under the recommendations, healthcare providers will conduct individual risk assessments for patients six to 12 months of age, who have not started the recommended series of Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine.

The assessment will take into consideration the likelihood of travel to areas where measles is circulating, and other factors, when considering whether to administer a MMR dose ahead of schedule.

The dose would be an additional one added to already existing vaccination guidelines.

Parents or caregivers with questions about the assessment or the MMR vaccine should direct them to their primary healthcare provider.

The health unit's official website provides complete information on measles prevention.

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