Sarnia-Lambton MP Marilyn Gladu speaks during Question Period at the House of Commons. December 11, 2019.  (Screenshot from video of Question Period)Sarnia-Lambton MP Marilyn Gladu speaks during Question Period at the House of Commons. December 11, 2019. (Screenshot from video of Question Period)

MP Gladu focused on housing, affordability in fall term

Sarnia-Lambton's MP says the cost of living and affordable housing will be her top two priorities during the fall sitting of Parliament.

MPs are returning to the House of Commons Monday following the summer break.

Marilyn Gladu (CPC) said what she heard from constituents during that break is the cost of living is killing them.

"People are losing their homes, they can't afford groceries, the food banks, their usage is hugely up, and no one can find an affordable place to live," she said.

Last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called on Canada's grocery giants to come up with a plan by Thanksgiving to stabilize food prices. If they don't, they could be hit with tax measures.

Gladu said if the government really wanted to lower food prices, it would axe the carbon tax immediately and the GST on food and essentials.

"Because we know that your farmers are paying carbon tax, and then they're paying carbon tax to transport the food to get processed, and then they're paying carbon tax to take it to the grocery store," said Gladu. "And so even the Bank of Canada governor has said this is a huge escalator, and they could axe the tax today, that's what we'd love to see."

Gladu said none of the issues that were at the forefront when Parliament rose in May are fixed.

"I think we will offer helpful ideas. I see the prime minister is already taking some of Pierre [Poilievre's] ideas on housing, which is great, we need all the help we can get on that file," she said. "And then we must get our spending under control so we can bring inflation and interest rates down."

Gladu said the Conservative Party's recent rise in the polls is because people are getting to know Poilievre and it's a change that people are looking for.

"They've had eight years of Trudeau, he's not done anything for the economy, he's never met a climate target, and they don't see any new and exciting ideas from that government, there's been nothing but corruption," she said. "And Pierre has got a clear message, it's a message that's resonating."

Gladu added that the Conservatives will be pressing the NDP in an effort to get an early election.

"We're going to continue to try to divide the NDP and Liberals so that we can get an early election either on the fall economic statement confidence vote or in the spring budget."

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