GDG Environment Project Supervisor holds a sample of mosquito larvae from Ojibway Park. (Photo by Mike Vlasveld)GDG Environment Project Supervisor holds a sample of mosquito larvae from Ojibway Park. (Photo by Mike Vlasveld)

Get Ready For A Nasty Mosquito Season

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit anticipates a bad season for mosquitoes thanks to warmer temperatures this spring and lots of rain.

"Mosquitoes tend the breed more in areas where the temperatures are high and also if there's an abundance of standing water," says Associate Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Wajid Ahmed. "Those two things make it much more likely for mosquitoes to breed more."

While it could mean a higher risk of the West Nile Virus this year, Ahmed says larviciding programs have been very successful in keeping the risk of infection low. Last year, he says there was only one confirmed case of West Nile Virus in Windsor-Essex.

What larviciding doesn't do is target nuisance mosquitoes that don't carry the virus.

"There are so many types of mosquitoes," he says. "Our program is very specific to the mosquitoes that carry West Nile Virus."

Ahmed says homeowners should continue to get rid of standing water on their property where mosquitoes like to breed. He also suggests avoiding areas where there is a lot of standing water, using insect repellent with DEET and wearing light-coloured, long-sleeved shirts and pants, especially during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are more active.

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