The Canadian side of the Gordie Howe International Bridge after 1,000 days of construction.  (Photo courtesy of the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority)The Canadian side of the Gordie Howe International Bridge after 1,000 days of construction. (Photo courtesy of the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority)

Masse raises concerns surrounding construction delays

With mounting supply chain and staff shortage concerns throughout many sectors, Windsor West MP Brian Masse is worried the new border crossing will not be completed on time.

If the Gordie Howe International Bridge is not completed by the promised date in 2024, the private partnership will face penalties based on the original construction contract.

However, the Windsor Detroit Bridge Authority states the contractor continues to work toward the deadline.

"We continue to work toward opening the bridge to traffic by the contracted date of the end of 2024. The contractor (Bridging North America) is obligated to meet the contract date specified in the Project Agreement and make adjustments to their construction approach to manage any delays they encounter," said Heather Grondin, Vice President, Corporate Affairs and External Relations for Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority. "Given the scope of the project and the long duration of construction, any number of challenges may be encountered that may impact the schedule."

Masse said should there be delays, any penalties should be directed to the host community.

"The end result is if we do this and roll it out properly we could turn what could be a negative story into something really positive for this region," said Masse.

Masse indicated the Windsor Detroit Bridge Authority has a good working relationship with community groups delivering community benefit funds and he would like to see that continue.

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