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Amherstburg votes to upload garbage collection in close vote

In a 4-3 vote, Amherstburg town councillors have approved a plan to upload waste collection to the County of Essex.

Mayor Michael Prue broke the tie during Monday night's meeting.

Amherstburg is the third municipality to approve the plan that would see garbage collection move to every other week with weekly organic waste pickup.

The plan would also increase the number of days yard waste is picked up.

Four Essex County municipalities need to approve the plan, and Amherstburg is the third after Leamington and Tecumseh.

The issue goes to Lakeshore and LaSalle councils on Tuesday night.

The Town of Essex rejected the plan last week. Kingsville also voted no.

If the plan gets the approval it needs, a request for proposals will go out soon to find interested parties willing to enter a contract with the county.

The changes wouldn't take effect until 2025 when the current garbage contracts expire.

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