Opioid file photo courtesy of © Can Stock Photo / FotoMaximumOpioid file photo courtesy of © Can Stock Photo / FotoMaximum

Alert issued following increase in Windsor-Essex opioid overdoses

The group of agencies monitoring Windsor-Essex's opioid crisis has issued an alert following an increase in cases.

Between Tuesday and Saturday, the Windsor-Essex Community Opioid and Substance Strategy (WECOSS) identified 15 emergency department visits due to opioid overdoses, with 14 involving fentanyl.

"There were also 16 substance use-related EMS calls, ten of which were for suspected opioid overdoses, during the reporting period," read the alert from WECOSS.

WECOSS includes the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, Windsor Regional Hospital, Essex-Windsor EMS, Erie Shores Healthcare, Windsor police, LaSalle police, the OPP, and other organizations.

The health unit has asked that if you are aware of any links between these cases, or other causes for these increases, to contact them.

Complete information on how to respond to an overdose can be found on the WECOSS official website.

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