Leamington OPP Station.(BlackburnNews.com file photo)Leamington OPP Station.(BlackburnNews.com file photo)

Two charged for intimate partner violence in Leamington

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have arrested two people following an alleged domestic assault on Labour Day.

Officers were called at around 12:30 p.m. on Monday to a home in Leamington.

Following an investigation, two people were taken into custody.

A 40-year-old Essex County resident is charged with assault on a spouse with a weapon.

A 35-year-old is charged with damage or destruction to property.

The charges have not been proven in court.

The OPP would like to remind victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) that there is help.

"Victims of domestic violence are not alone," said OPP Constable Jeff Hare. "If you or someone you know needs support, there are local resources available to help. One organization you can contact is Victim Services of Windsor-Essex."

The OPP can always be reached at 1-888-310-1122.

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