Leamington OPP Station.(BlackburnNews.com file photo)Leamington OPP Station.(BlackburnNews.com file photo)

Wheatley driver accused of speeding, blowing through two stop signs while drunk

A 38-year-old Wheatley resident is facing several charges after provincial police pulled over a suspected impaired driver in Leamington.

Essex County OPP said an officer on patrol spotted the vehicle on Talbot Street West shortly after 11 p.m. Thursday and arrested the driver after initiating a traffic stop.

The driver was taken to a local OPP detachment and later charged with several offences including:

- two counts of failing to stop for a stop sign

- one count of driving while impaired by alcohol and drugs*

- one count of impaired driving (80 plus)

- one count of speeding

- one count of failing to surrender a licence

- one count of failing to notify a change of address for a driver's licence

- one count of careless driving

Police said the accused was later released from custody and is scheduled to appear in a Windsor court to answer to the charges.

The driver's licence was suspended for 90 days and the vehicle will be impounded for seven days.

*Essex OPP have clarified that the charge against the driver does include "impaired by alcohol and drugs" but the driver was only charged with being impaired by alcohol

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