A baseball glove with a baseball. © Can Stock Photo Inc. / rmarmionA baseball glove with a baseball. © Can Stock Photo Inc. / rmarmion

Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame announces 2024 inductees

The Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame in St. Marys, Ontario has announced the induction class of 2024.

Included are former Blue Jays catcher Russell Martin and pitcher Jimmy Key, who were both All-Stars for the club in their careers.

Alongside them are national team infielder and trailblazing coach Ashley Stephenson and national team pitching legend Rod Heisler.

Additionally, former Blue Jays President and CEO Paul Godfrey is being inducted, as he was a key figure in bringing Major League Baseball to Toronto. Longtime Toronto Leaside baseball executive Howard Birnie will also be enshrined this year.

The induction ceremony takes place on June 15, 2024 at the Hall of Fame grounds in St. Marys.

"Each member of this year’s class has had a tremendous impact on the game of baseball in Canada," said Jeremy Diamond, chair of the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame’s board of directors. "We look forward to celebrating their outstanding careers in St. Marys this June."

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