Windsor Police Chief Al Frederick speaks at Windsor Police Headquarters, May 5, 2015. (Photo by Mike Vlasveld)Windsor Police Chief Al Frederick speaks at Windsor Police Headquarters, May 5, 2015. (Photo by Mike Vlasveld)

Search For New Police Chief

The search for a new Windsor police chief will start immediately by hiring a recruitment firm.

Chief Al Frederick announced his retirement at the board meeting on Thursday.

The Windsor Police Service Board chair, Mayor Drew Dilkens, says they will conduct a nationwide search.

"We will cast the net wide. We will find the best candidates and they may exist here internally.  They may exist somewhere else in the province, or some other province in Canada. But, we will find the best chief to take over from Al Frederick," says Dilkens.

Dilkens says they hope to have a new chief in place by the time Frederick leaves on January 30, 2018. However, he says they will not rush to process and will name an acting chief if the need arises.

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