The Town of Essex will no longer accept in-person credit card payments, and it has nothing to do with the pandemic.
Town Council said it just costs too much.
Fees associated with processing credit card payments have nearly tripled over the past ten years, to the point the town now pays $72,000 a year.
In June 2018, the town limited credit card transactions to $1,000 per day per property tax account in a bid to get the costs under control. Historically, they have been paid through property taxation.
"This is the next step towards reducing the impact of credit card fees on the Town's operating costs," said Treasurer and Director of Corporate Services, Jeffrey Morrison. "We offer a number of convenient alternatives."
Residents can still use their credit cards to make property tax payments and recreational services, so long as it is online. The virtual City Hall Credit Card transaction fee will also be waived until the end of the year.