(Photo courtesy of elxeneize / Royalty-free / iStock / Getty Images Plus)(Photo courtesy of elxeneize / Royalty-free / iStock / Getty Images Plus)

Do you have feedback to improve the Central Housing Registry?

The City of Windsor wants to hear from residents with experience with the Windsor and Essex County Central Housing Registry.

It maintains a waiting list for social housing in the region. Individuals or households that need subsidized housing can apply for the registry, which determines the eligibility of applicants.

As of May 2021, more than 5,400 people were on the waiting list.

"Many more people apply for subsidized housing than the number of houses or apartments available," said the Central Housing Registry's website. "The government has made a lot of rules to make the process of applying for subsidized housing as fair as possible."

The city has retained KPMG to conduct a service delivery review. It will identify strengths, deficiencies, and opportunities to improve.

As part of the review, consultants are surveying applicants for feedback on their experience. The survey will take about five minutes. The deadline is May 17.

Responses will be documented, compiled, and presented to the city but will not identify participants.

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